• kingkano01 posted an update 12 years, 7 months ago

    everything is looking up for the better RG goin down haha but man i been working my butt off latley so i can have new music yto give yall i do apologize for the wait itll be worth it…trying my hand at directing and already script writing lol cant wait for this new project to get wrapped up! reply all my villains!! need to know whos down to take over the world with me!!!

    • Of course im always down…yes i ant wait for yall to hear it and what fo u do on the acid? Thank you for being eager lol but itll be worth the wait!

    • I use sonar7 cakewalk pro producers edition but thts for engineering i wanna produce roo finna go hav a lil meet n gwt more infor i want reason and fl too but i know with lots of prac and all that i can do masterpiece classics haha na jk but i can do some decent stuff 🙂 then i wnt need to go to noone lol i write all my stuf of course..if i produce throw in whatever i want on the beat and then engineer myself bam! Lol

    • I use sonar7 cakewalk pro producers edition but thts for engineering i wanna produce roo finna go hav a lil meet n gwt more infor i want reason and fl too but i know with lots of prac and all that i can do masterpiece classics haha na jk but i can do some decent stuff 🙂 then i wnt need to go to noone lol i write all my stuf of course..if i produce throw in whatever i want on the beat and then engineer myself bam! Lol


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