• Zal posted an update 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hello, my awesome PST members! As much as I’d love to express what a wonderful day it is, the truth being is that today is actually quite an unfortunate one. =/ Nothing dramatic though, I assure you, but for those of you that know me well and love hanging with good’ol Zalian here, I unfortunately won’t be available today or probably tomorrow. =( Power is out and am trying to get it back running. How am I on here? Well I’m using what’s left of my laptop’s energy. If anything, I’m hoping I won’t be gone too long. Heck, I’m counting on having the power back up by tomorrow. But just in case any of you happen to miss me, I’ll leave a bowl of hamster jelly and you’ll know what to do from there. ~_^ Hehe. I’ll be in the chatroom before this energy goes out so if you wanna chat, now’s the chance. ^^


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