• Have you updated a personal photo to your profile page? If not, here’s how:


  • Just uploaded to YouTube, for the first time ever released beyond PlayStation, I present Casey Cooper.

    • I definitely remember this classic! It was nominated for 6 Spotlight awards in 2012, winning Best Picture! I wrote a short review praising it right before it was released in the PS Community Theater. It is definitely a great film that shows why PST was the best machinima group on PS Home. It truly exemplifies the hard work of the Director, his…[Read more]

  • GOOD-TIMES-GIRL posted an update 9 years ago

  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    Just a normal day in the theater.

  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    A PSTalent Celebrity Spelling Bee! Ain’t Koz great?
  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    Did you know this video was produced by PSTalent?

    • Yes, I do remember this video! If I’m not mistaken, our writing Director, Animus Requiem, helped with that. 😀

  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    Excellent article printed on the front page of today’s Sunday paper regarding the film industry in the Palm Springs area. I was interviewed along with Sheri Davis and Dan Taylor of the Film Alliance, an organization I am heavily involved with. It’s a long article but a great read. Here is one of my quotes, “I’m excited about the industry in gene…[Read more]

    • I saw this on Twitter the other day and it’s so awesome! I was reading through the article and was amazed to find out what has been filmed in Palm Springs! I saw that ANTM (which I tried out for twice but to no avail), was filmed there, which is really cool. Also, I read that my fav rapper, Nicki Minaj, and Beyoncé filmed their video of “F…[Read more]

  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    Don\’t forget to update your profile cover photo. Group pages as well.
    • change cover photo
      change cover photo
    • Uploading images are really easy. Use the 3 position options for better placement.

    • Wylds replied 9 years ago

      Not bad , Dod ,I wasn’t tagged on FB, I almost missed it

    • I found a PST poster that I think worked out perfectly for my cover pic. Great feature Director, thanks! 😀

  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    Still working on some issues – please be patient. Until then, how about taking a look at Junior? If you feel love for him, click the banner on the right. Thanks!

    [Read more]

    • It seems the email notification for receiving messages on the site isn’t working now, but I’m sure that’s one of the issues you are working on. Thanks for all your hard work on the site because it looks great!

  • Agent-101 posted an update 9 years ago

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Hello! Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

  • The Director posted an update in the group Group logo of Pet's have Talent Too!Pets have Talent Too! 9 years ago

    Moca and Toby — Parents to Junior and Sandy.
    • DSCN0239
    • Awww how cute!!! I see how where Junior gets his good looks now! 😀

  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    Welcome to the new PSTalent website! We hope you enjoy the show.

  • The Director posted an update 9 years ago

    Injured Wiener Dog Needs Love! Please watch:

  • How\’s everyone today? I am a little under the weather, but with all this great talent, I\’m sure I will be feeling well soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRISHA! Hehe (I just had to mention that again).

    • Awww sorry you’re not feeling well. Get well soon sis! And thankies again for the birthday wishes! Much love sis! <333 MUAH! 😀
      Now I wanna get COCO WASTED with uuuuuuuuuuuu! Bahahahaha! LMAO!

    • Piece of birthday cake helps the medicine go down. Feel better soon. 🙂 That makes two of us. My shoulder has been sore for the past few days. I been pushing pretty hard at work lately. I’ll post something special tonight when I get home.

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