About Me
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A little about me

well my real name is Ian…Im from UK (yes i have a british accent)..im a pretty all around fellow…i can be your best friend or your worse enemy… i Make friends pretty easily due to the fact i like to make people laugh..i like people watching..helps me understand how people act & react…helps me also know how to talk to certain people too…i do what i can to help my friends..keep them out of trouble, rotect them, counsel them, w/e i am able to do…..i joined PStalent because in real life ive done my share of stage performances & camera performances so why not put my talent on PStalent hehe….Im looking forward to working with the people of this community 🙂

Favorite PS3 Game

Assassins Creed Brotherhood,Borderlands,Alien vs Predator,Coming Soon: Assassins Creed: Revelations & Metal Gear Solid Rising 😀

Favorite PS3 Hangout Spot

Favorite Spots in Home: Burn Zombie Burn, Irem, Siren Lounge, && Central Plaza