• Hmm… Hi PST Community!!

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Had an AWESOME turnout this past Sunday for our weekly Community Meet Up on the Early Access version of Atom Universe, future home of PST. Cross-play between PC & PS4 was in effect as Build was released for PS4 that morning. Tanguy joined us on one of the servers too!…[Read more]

    • With this build that we got this past Sunday, servers are now dynamically created based on load. So when we started there was only one server, but we eventually got to 4 and filled 3 out of the 4 servers. The maximum number of users/server was increased from 12 to 16 with this build. too.

    • This coming Saturday will be our b-weekly Block Party so if you have access to the game, please come and join us! 😀

    • This coming Saturday will be our b-weekly Block Party so if you have access to the game, please come and join us! It will be at 10am PST/12pm CST/1pm EST/6pm GMT. The next night we will have our Community Meet Up too at 1pm PST/3pm CST/4pm EST/9pm GMT. If you have access to the game, please join us! ;D

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    And last, but not least, how could we forget our Casting Director, @Nicole, and Communications Director, @stephierawks. Check out these screen shots which I also tweeted: https://twitter.com/TBaby_84/status/732070260707229698. She saw them & quoted the tweet saying it made her night. 😀

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Also, you will see on that same TV screen, our Audio Director, @kozzzmo, listed as the Announcer as well as the composer for the Variety Show theme song. I also tweeted these here: https://twitter.com/TBaby_84/status/732067567079018496

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    If you’re on Twitter, you might have seen me share these pics there (https://twitter.com/TBaby_84/status/732064444084166656)showing one of the TV screens in the Hub of the Early Access version of Atom Universe streaming video provided by PST with credits to @admin! Thanks Director! 🙂

    • Recognize that introductory scene with the red curtain? Those were from our Variety Shows, remember? Ahhhh the memories! Can’t wait to make more in Atom Universe! 😀

      Oh and I just noticed that tweet I mentioned is currently showing up on the right hand side of this webpage under that “Tweets by ‎@PSTALENT” section/widget because Director retweet…[Read more]

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    The TV Screen to the right of the Crowbots club now has pics of the Mirage House, a private space designed by SubD Studio who I have interviewed for J.F.C & The Virtual Community (see previous posts for those) for which there are also pics on that same TV screen.

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Late Saturday night I downloaded build of the Early Access version of Atom Universe. The opening screen was updated w/more disclaimer text. Also a new subscriptions tab was added to the “User Settings” screen which unlocked a new mask & pair of sunglasses. 🙂

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Last Friday, Atom Republic published DevBlog #19: http://atomrepublic.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/devblog-19-return-of-hub.html which included more pics of the new Hub, mentioned the “Lost & Found” mini-game, as well as development of breakdance animations & new head accessories. 🙂

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Also in this latest test build, you will see a blimp flying around the hub that is playing our PST videos! Here are a few pics showing some of our videos being played. Do you recognize anyone? 🙂

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Last night I tested Early Access Test Build which has the new Hub. Here are some pics taken with that build with more at https://www.flickr.com/photos/tbaby_84/albums/72157665787446223

    • The new Hub with an entrance to Arcade Plaza & a new “Lost & Found” mini-game. There are new social features for adding friends by username & viewing your Steam friends list. Some accessories for which WIP images had previously been shown, i.e. masks & glasses. are now available to be worn. And text chat bubbles are back! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Tanguy had to leave around the time that we actually were supposed to start since he had been there for a couple of hours, but Dena stayed until about 12:45pm CST. We posed for some pics at the end of the party. 😀

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    There was a slight mix-up with Dena and Tanguy on the start time for the Block Party as they showed up at 10am CST instead of 10am PST/12pm CST, but I got there early anyways to make sure I got on the same server as them and we still had a fun time! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Today’s Atom Republic DevBlog for AU reminded us of the 1st of our bi-weekly Block Parties tomorrow at 10am PST/1pm EST. It also includes some nice new images of the Hub showing how the Arcade Plaza fits into it and a pic of a new Teddy Bear head. Hope to see you tomorrow! :D…[Read more]

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Another awesome turnout for Sunday’s Community Meet Up on the Early Access version of Atom Republic’s, Atom Universe, the future home of PST. We again quickly filled the 1st server & had a blast! Feel free to join us next Sunday at 3pm CST! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Another AWESOME turnout for our Community Meet Up on the Early Access version of Atom Universe, the future home of PST, last Sunday. We quickly filled the 1st server again & had users on the other ones. As mentioned in last week’s DevBlog (#17). we will start having bi-weekly Block Parties starting tomorrow, May 7 too! :D…[Read more]

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Awesome turnout for yesterday’s Community Meet Up on the Early Access version of Atom Republic’s, Atom Universe, the future home of PST. We easily filled one of the servers in the first couple of minutes & had a blast! Feel free to join us next Sunday at 3pm CST! 😀

    • Because the latest patch, build, is available for both PC and PS4, users from both platforms were able to attend and cross-play was again in effect. The Early Access version is available to the entire Steam Community and can be download for free from here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/394120
      Access on PS4 is currently limited to…[Read more]

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Awesome turnout for Community Meet Up on the Early Access version of Atom Republic\’s, Atom Universe, the future home of PST. Because patch is available for both PC & PS4, users from both platforms attended. We easily filled one of the servers in the first few minutes & had a blast! Feel free to join us next Sunday at 3pm CST! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    As mentioned in the last Atom Republic DevBlog that I just shared below, check out the 5th episode of VR Focus’ VRTV that features Tanguy Dewavrin, CEO of Atom Republic. I love how when Zeena asked Tanguy if he thought if Atom Universe would be the next PS Home and he said that he thought it would be even better and “take it to the next level”.

    • Mind you that Patrick O’Luanaigh, CEO of nDreams, and non-executive director for the AU team has also stated that AU is the true successor to PS Home. When guys like these say such things and with their experience they have had with the game, I think that is a firm indication that AU is the true successor to PS Home above all other post-PS Home projects.

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    ICYMI: Atom Republic posted their latest DevBlog for Atom Universe, future home of PST, on Friday: http://atomrepublic.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/devblog-16-weekly-round-up-of-atom.html. Be sure to check it out to see the WIP images for upcoming headgear for Adam and Eve as well as the 5th episode of VR Focus\’ VRTV featuring Tanguy, CEO for Atom Republic.

    • This DevBlog also mentioned patch which was released 2 days before the DevBlog on Friday and included a few small improvements over which was only available for PC. This latest patch is available for both PC and PS4 users and so cross-play between the 2 platforms was again in affect which was great for the Community Meet Up…[Read more]

  • Trisha posted an update in the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 9 years ago

    Today’s Community Meet Up was to use the latest update, v0.1.9.4104, released to the Beta testers on Wed, April 13 & to everyone else on Fri, April 15. You can read about all the new features in Atom Republic’s latest DevBlog #15 (see URL in comments below).

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