Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
There were some technical difficulties earlier today and so we had some hiccups for the Community Meet Up, but I did get a chance to meet up with a few users who got on and actually saw @Tania too (see her pics below). Here is a pic of the few of us that were hanging out tonight. Next Sunday we’ll be back in full swing at 3pm CST! 😀
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
A couple weeks ago I got a chance to talk to Engine Giant, former PS Home developer and current partner for Atom Universe, the future home of PST. We talked about what they have been doing over the past year since PS Home’s closure and their plans for Atom Universe! See URL in the comments below to read the interview. 🙂
Here is a link to the interview on my blog site: https://tbaby84.wordpress.com/2016/04/11/interview-with-engine-giant-entertainment-about-atom-universe/
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
This past week I published my 2nd interview with SubD Studio for J.F.C & The Virtual Community that discusses the remastering of their “Mirage House”, which is the free private space to be included the game’s initial release also available since the beginning of the Alpha. See link to interview below.
Here is a link to the interview: https://tbaby84.wordpress.com/2016/04/06/mirage-house-updated-by-subd-studio-for-atom-universe/
The 2 images included above are exclusive ones that were provided to me for J.F.C. & The Virtual Community, while the rest of the images in the article are the ones which were provided to Atom Republic and shared by them…[Read more] -
@mcgowan025 Thanks. There is a link to the previous interview in that one which is the longer story. This one was more of a follow story. I also published a new interview with Engine Giant, former PS Home developer and current partner for AU.
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
ICYM: I have re-published my exclusive interview with SubD Studio, one of the content creators for Atom Universe, for J.F.C & The Virtual Community. I had previously published it to the AU Forums & it was also posted to the JFC page, but it is now also on my new blog site (see link in comments below).
Here is a link to the interview: https://tbaby84.wordpress.com/2016/04/06/exclusive-interview-with-subd-studio-one-of-the-content-creators-for-atom-universe/
Here is a link (also included in the interview) to a W.I.P. video for SubD Studio’s “Cave House” space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRQBImSwl9w
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Last Saturday the PS4 Alpha of Atom Universe (future home of PST) was updated to fix the cross-play between PC users & PS4 Alpha testers. The next day we had our 1st PC & PS4 cross-play Community Meet Up on the Early Access version at the Arcade Plaza & it was a blast!…[Read more]
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
The Alpha testers are comprised of those who backed the game during the Kickstarter campaign in April of last year whose donation level was sufficient for them to get access to the Alpha as a reward. There are also those who made similar donations via PayPal after the Kickstarter was over until December 31, 2015 at which point donations were no…[Read more]
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
The Early Access version of Atom Universe, future home of PST, has been updated for ALL PC users on Steam. Dance moves & poses as well as a new holographic player menu have been added (mentioned in last DevBlog #11: http://bit.ly/1XV3M9O) & the bowling game has been improved too! 🙂
This past week there were multiple patches that were released to the Test Branch of code for the Early Access version that included the aforementioned features as well bas bug fixes. Those who were interested in testing those out could do so by following certain steps to switch to the Test Branch. But now the code from all those patches has been…[Read more]
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
The Early Access version of Atom Universe, future home of PST, has been updated for ALL PC users on Steam. Dance moves & poses as well as a new holographic player menu have been added (mentioned in last DevBlog #11: http://atomrepublic.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/devblog-11-improvements-to-ui-new.html) & the bowling game has been improved!…[Read more]
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Lots of exciting news going on with Atom Universe, the future home of PS Talent. If you haven’t already, please check out the latest DevBlog #12: http://atomrepublic.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/devblog-12-bug-fixing-and-head-wear.html to find out what the AU team has been working on this past week! 🙂
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Check out the latest DevBlog from Atom Republic for Atom Universe, the future home for PS Talent: http://atomrepublic.blogspot.com/2016/03/devblog-11-improvements-to-ui-new.html
I actually recently tested some the changes mentioned as they are in a new Patch that was released to the Testing branch of the Early Access version this past Sunday (3/20). The holographic menu looks great and so do the new dances and poses. Here is a link to the announcement on Steam which includes a link to another post that explains…[Read more]
@mcgowan025 great! Do you have a PC too? If so you can join us in the testing of the game now. I’ve been testing the Alpha version for 8 months now, but that was only available to certain backers of the game. Next DevBlog should be tomorrow. They come out every Friday. There might not be one the following 2 weeks because our Community Relations…[Read more]
@mcgowan025 Hiya Sammo. You can call me Trisha as well. The bug fixing is separate from the work done on the head accessories and so I’m not sure what you mean. As I mentioned in my previous comment to you, I helped Atom Republic with the design of Adam and Eve. If you go to the main wire (http://pstalent.com/activity/), you will see several p…[Read more]
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
@mcgowan025 yes, Atom Republic certainly is developing Atom Universe using Unreal Engine, specifically UE4. And thank you! Those avatars are the default ones (Adam for men, Eve for women) as full avatar customization will be coming later. There are a few basic color customization options now for the outfits & hair, but the rest will come in…[Read more]
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
If you haven’t already, you can download the Early Access version from Steam here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/394120/
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Some of you might have already seen this, but if not, check out this video tour of the latest space in Atom Universe, the future home of PS Talent, called Arcade Plaza. I’ve been testing the Alpha for months & am excited to try out this new space. It will be part of the Early Access for PC on Steam soon! (PS4 Beta later) Doesn’t this look AWESOME?!
Trisha posted an update 9 years ago
Hiya PST! I hope yall are doing well! I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine’s Weekend last weekend. Me & my fam definitely did! I shared some pics & videos from last weekend to the “Selfies & Video” group (http://pstalent.com/community/groups/selfies-and-video/). If you need an invite to the group, please let me know & I’ll invite you.…
Trisha posted an update in the group
Community 9 years ago
Trisha posted an update 9 years ago
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btw im osmboom now my bro gave up his account tome because i lost mine View