Miss T and
Zal are now friends 13 years ago
Zal and
DarkSided_Gay are now friends 13 years ago
Zal and
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) are now friends 13 years ago
Zal and
SCarverOrne (Associate Director) are now friends 13 years ago
quasar338 and
Zal are now friends 13 years ago
❤EmiHime❤ and
Zal are now friends 13 years ago
Zal posted a new activity comment 13 years ago
You gonna finish that diet coke? If not, I’ll have it. What’s that? Oh yes. That is correct. I’m in your war room. If you look reeeeaaaaally close, I’m actually hiding behind your desk. You can see my shadow right there. Look. LOOK! *quickly takes your diet coke while you turn around distracted*
Zal posted a new activity comment 13 years ago
Sad but funny thing is……..I really am allergic to cats. And I like cats. It sucks to be me. Just look at how I got the protagonist in trouble by attracting the cats. Lol. aaACHOO!
Zal commented on the post, Where's Zal? Part 2, on the site PSTalent 13 years ago
Hope to do many more of these in the coming months. ^^ It was a ton of fun shooting these photos and even more so seeing everyone play this game. Woot!
StephieRawks and
Zal are now friends 13 years ago
sky and
Zal are now friends 13 years ago
dbrown1515 and
Zal are now friends 13 years ago
Zal posted an update 13 years ago
Good evening! It’s your good’ol pal Zal here, wishing everyone a happy second day of E3! ^^ Hope you’re all enjoying the many games and awesome free goodies they got to offer. I sure have. I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted on here and I wish I could have done so yesterday but you know how E3 is. Keeps us hypnotized. @_@ Lol.
At any…[Read more]
Zal posted a new activity comment 13 years ago
Not quite sure what my plans are but if I don’t got anything special planned, you can always hang out with the Zaltastic, Coco. ~_^ Hehehehe.
beantot and
Zal are now friends 13 years ago
Zal posted a new activity comment 13 years ago
OMG!!!! It’s TINAAAAAAAAA!!!!! =D *glomps* So glad you joined PSTalent.com! ^^ Welcome welcome! This is such a delight! Everyone? For those of you that know me well, then you should also know this… The first person I ever met that is as passionate about fashion as I am was Beantot. Her and I have quite a history and her outfits and many fashion…[Read more]
Zal posted an update 13 years ago
I’d like to extend my deepest gratitude to all those that applied for my secret project. None of this could have been possible without your help and I am indebted to all of you. Thank you so much for taking the time in participating in this grand, yet very hush hush (shhhhh) *whispers* secret project. 😀 I cannot wait to see the surprised and…[Read more]
Thx hunni thT waz heaps a fun ay 🙂 , hopz u see me
And on my gd side :p
WD everyone woop :DxxO.o shhh ^_~
Thanks Zal, I cant wait to see it when its finishd. I had fun and would do it all over again, lol. Thanks, and Tbaby
It was great to help out and see so many people participate, especially those that stayed through it all! It took longer than expected, but I think it will be worth it. Can’t wait to see the final result! 😀
Zal posted an update 13 years ago
1 hour left, guys! ^^ Counting down. Get ready, guys. Hehehehe!
Zal posted an update 13 years ago
2 hours left before the gathering. And again. Don’t worry if you’re a bit late. This gathering will last for at least 2 hours. Reason for that required amount of time is that we all know how long it’ll take to build up a crowd large enough to fill the lobby. But if we manage to all gather together early, we’ll get this done pretty fast and with…[Read more]
Zal posted an update 13 years ago
It’s your good’ol pal Zal here, wishing you a wonderful afternoon! ^^ Today is the BIG DAY! For those of you that applied for my secret project, be sure you good and ready to go. =D I’ll be following Tbaby for most of the spaces so if you have her added as well, follow her when we’re ready to gather. I gave her the list of places we’ll be going to…[Read more]
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Good evening! It’s your good’ol pal Zal here, wishing everyone a happy second day of E3! ^^ Hope you’re all enjoying the many games and awesome free goodies they got to offer. I sure have. I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted on here and I wish I could have done so yesterday but you know how E3 is. Keeps us hypnotized. @_@ Lol.
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hi zel ty 4 the add 🙂