About Me
Friendly Name

Honey Brown

Playstation Name:

Umm, ask me please…

More Me
A little about me

Here’s some random things about myself. Im Cambodian and Thai (asian). My favorite colours are pink and green. I got married July 21, 2009 and we have been together for 8.5yrs and have a beautiful 2yr old boy. I love Call of Duty and hate those freakin’ camping noobs. I don’t use Home very often because when I’m on my PS3 I’m usually playing game and texting. I love chick flicks and horror movies. My favourite genre of music are opera, jazz, lounge, pop, classical, heavy metal, trip hop and celtic.

Favorite PS3 Game

White Knight Chronicles, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 1 & 2, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain & Silent Hill (love the series).

Favorite PS3 Hangout Spot

Seaside, Mui Mui Ship, Mall and my personal spaces. I don’t use Home very often though.