Rikon posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 13 years, 6 months ago
For all you assassins creed nuts I’m gonna tell u how to get 2 different animuses and a abstergo tv. So if u go to the abstergo lab u know the confrense room? Well going and play the game there 3 times to get the first animus and win to get the tv. Next go in to the bedroom and play eagle vision, get the code the enter it in the computer. Once u have accse to the hide out go to it. Upon entering you’ll also reserve a chair, anyways go to the animus 2.0 and just look around at the files till it says you’ve received an item. Well that’s all folks. Btw should I make posting on here a daily thing ? Just me telling u how to get somethin new should I ? Well anyways have fun with your new stuff
Great job! Keep it up!
Dude we need to get more people to join
There are two ways I know of to do that:
1) Telling people on the General Chat to join us.
2) Sending invites to those on our friends list.
Ooh my psh who’s club is this? its so nice I love the name:) you boys will make it Rich Girls sometimes have special guest we are watching you.
Rich brats just piss me off
Now now, Rikon, let’s be civil. Our group is about tolerance and acceptance, not divisiveness and exclusiveness.
i apoligise
Good, Rikon. Do you accept, Mika?