• Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Paul’s 2nd update video for the Woodland House space that he is developing for Atom Republic’s Atom Universe for which PST will be creating content. This one shows him walking outside behind the house and then back in through a door into the master bedroom.

    • Nice job on the breaking wine bottles, but I guess they were all empty because I don’t see any wine splashing anywhere lol. That was really cool seeing him quickly fix the size of the front door like that, kind of like a little behind the scenes 🙂 Of course it is really nice to finally see him walking outside behind the house! I know many of you…[Read more]

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Color images of “Eve”, the default avatar for Atom Republic’s Atom Universe during some of her rendering stages. These avatar W.I.P. images show only one frame among thousands created during the on-going rendering process. Many details have not been added, or may be changed.

    • I actually helped Atom Republic with the design of Eve and I hope you like her! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Paul’s 1st update video for the Woodland House space that he is developing for Atom Republic’s Atom Universe for which PST will be creating content 😀

    • The new interactive elements like the fridge, closet doors, and light switches look great! I still love all the attention to detail, especially the spectral highlights that can be seen throughout the space. The shining of the sunlight through the glass into the house and the moving shadows of the trees, that can be seen through the glass blowing…[Read more]

  • Trisha and Profile picture of GOOD-TIMES-GIRLGOOD-TIMES-GIRL are now friends 10 years ago

  • Trisha commented on the post, Nothing but Headshots 1, on the site PSTalent 10 years ago

    Hey Oli! Yes, I remember these too and see yours under the ones for 2012. And LOL at you losing a few pounds since then. You looked fine 😀 This reminded me to look up mine too & I found my 1st one under 2011,

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Check out this tour in the Unreal Engine of the Woodland House created by Paul Rance for Atom Republic’s Atom Universe, a virtual world coming to the PS4 and for which PST will be creating content! 😀

    • FYI, don’t worry about the avatar seen in the video. It is just the default one used in the Unreal Engine is not representative of the avatars that will be seen in AU, which are being modeled as we speak! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Here’s a trailer for the Q*bert: Rebooted game from LOOT Interactive 😀

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    This is what Q*bert looks like in the PIXELS movie. He’s so cute! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Also, last Tuesday, 7/21, LOOT Interactive released their game, Q*bert: Rebooted in a bundle with a limited edition Q*bert PIXELS movie PS4 theme! Check it out in the PlayStation Store now! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Who has seen the new Pixels movie? We saw it this past weekend in 3D at Studio Movie Grill and thought it was a really fun and cute movie for the whole family! Q*bert is so cute in it! It’s definitely a must see for all retro gamers! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Check out this trailer of Atom Republic’s Atom Universe that was shown at E3 2015 last month and demonstrates the great progress on the game. The Beta is planned to launch for the PC by the end of the summer and on the PS4 soon after. So exciting! Can’t wait to see yall there then! 😀

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Atom Republic’s CEO, Tanguy Dewavrin, and CTO, Alex Grona. discuss environment and avatar interactions, vehicle interactions, and use of the Unreal Engine for both multiplatform and VR support in Atom Universe.

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Have you checked the demo of Atom Republic’s Atom Universe for the PS4? It was released in April and is available in the PS Store! Check out this footage from the demo and if you look closely towards the end of the video, you will see PST videos playing on the screen in the park too! 😀

    • PST will be joining other developers who had previously created content for PS Home such as Game Mechanics, nDreams, & JAM Games, to produce content for Atom Universe. The CEO of nDreams, Patrick O’Luanaigh, was also named the non-executive CEO for Atom Universe recently! So awesome! 😀

    • Sorry, I just realized that the PS4 demo for Atom Universe was removed from the PlayStation store on 6/24 because people who were downloading it didn’t understand it was just a demo and complaining about the placeholders and bugs. It is however, still available for download for PC here:…[Read more]

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    @admin Hey Director, it seems private messaging is currently disabled on the site. Do you know when that will be restored?

    • The messaging system will be reinstalled at the next update. I do not need it active right now.

    • @admin Will that also include fixing email notifications for when members mention you on the site, message you, etc.? That seems to be not working now.

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Hiya PST! I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer & had a great 4th of July! My daughter is on summer break from school & we got back from our summer family vacation at Pensacola Beach a couple of weeks ago. It was so AWESOME! We stayed at the same beach house as last year, but this time had about 30 of us, including 15 kids! 😀

  • Trisha changed their profile picture 10 years ago

  • Trisha posted an update 10 years ago

    Looks like the wire is back! YAYS! 😀

  • Trisha joined the group Group logo of CommunityCommunity 10 years ago

  • Trisha's profile was updated 10 years ago

  • sky and Profile picture of alexandria-97alexandria-97 are now friends 10 years ago

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