- "Hello everyone and Goodmorning just check on y’all and I missed y’all a lot I haven’t been on because I been busy but I’m trying my best to come back 🙂"View
- "Hey PST, will you listen to this song, it’s new but he’s my friend who sings this and he wants to see what people think befour he goes to producing songs. 😀 thanks!"View
- "@nicole I now that you are very busy with all the modeling thats bin going on and i have missed alot ps3 went down i just wanted to now if there is anyway at you can readd me on psn network i really want to do […]"View
- "Here it is PStalent Love it and its Deff HAWT! Thanxys Switch! Hit him up for your HeadShot if you havent already I love mine and you will too!
EBiZ <3 ciao"View
- "it’s cool dod since this ur site u get do as u please lmao i really dont care oh u can delet me or block or w.e u do tho ur site be bless yall i m out byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"View
- "Hi People, I know that I log on PSTalent little but I’m usually logged on my FaceBook and I also have a Twitter
I’m sorry for my bad English [,_,]
THX U Bye <3
FaceBook : htt […]"View