Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Ok I give. Finally going to buy that LOOT Space station just for the view (and video making ^_^). It shall be the priciest Home space I have bought yet… But have you seen all the features?!?! God, I think I am about to become a LOOT advocate next.
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
OMG OMG OMG. Ok, now I need one more thing. A good vocal recording/mixing program. Remember how I had trouble with Adobe and WMM? Wouldn’t read my formats. I figured out why…
The new Com I have been using for the last year is a little son of a gun. My last computer let me get away with a lot. Now I find things have to be specific… Adobe and…[Read more]
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Ready to make videos.. Need advice on which program to run… I broke so many electronics to get this far T_T
Advice Department is at your service. How can I help you?
Ok, well, I can run adobe and WMM for free, but it would require me to tediously convert all clips to WMV. Vegas Pro opens everything but is out of this ballpark and is hard to find a code for. Mybro suggests the cheaper Vegas Movis Studio HD Platinum 10 but doesnt have all the kibble.. Or look for another program. Its seems unlike adobe, Sony…[Read more]
Ok, never mind the 1st paragraph needing advice. I figured out the problem. Now the next issue is a good voice mixer/recorder. WMM is horrible.
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
OMG How adorable, my 1st youtube video was stolen and uploaded by someone else… I’m loved XD
WTH? It was stolen? O.O
Yes. Look in youtube with search words “novus prime alpha mech” and itll be the one under mine, with like 4 views and uploaded a day late, while mine has over 200 views (which is neat ^_^). Hard to get confused as it was re-twit-ed by Novus Prime, and posted via PS3 and Novus Prime on FaceBook and NA and EU forums… But still… Flattery or…[Read more]
wowzerz, i just saw that. how did he upload yours? yes, i saw yours got lots more views and was retweeted by Novus Prime. I guess imitation is a high form of flattery. Not sure what the motive was here though. You say your name in the video so it’s not like the person can claim to be you or anything like that. And it looks like he copied all your…[Read more]
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
“Greetings Novus Prime Fans, I am Animus_Requiem, Writing Director of PSTalent.com. I always said if I won the Alpha Mech I would show case it in a video. I won, so here it is; The Alpha Mech. Compared to the Powered Mech and Rogue Mech, this Mech has different design applications. On each shoulder is the Greek letter A for Alpha, since it is an…[Read more]
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Conversion hell. Just tried using my vegas trial.. Expired. Adobe doesnt want to work and neither does WMM unless I convert it to a more proper format… Killing myself trying to figure out which one. Oh the rage!!!
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Any twitter junkies?
Fans of Animus_Requiem (writing director) follow here : https://twitter.com/#!/Animus_Requiem
Fans of DoD/PSTalent (founder) follow here : https://twitter.com/#!/PSTALENT
Fans of Corisucat (publicity director) follow here : https://twitter.com/#!/PSTALENT
Fans of Coco (casting director/people who dont follow her already)…[Read more]- Show all 17 comments
dont like twitter lol
Cant blame you. Still not exactly in on the whole “twit” thing. Dont quite get it yet.
Twitter is all about who you follow. Great if you follow developers and companies you’re interested in given you’ll get the info first on twitter.
You don’t have to tweet to use twitter. 🙂
I prefer to call it “twit” I dont exactly see why its a “tweet”.
Its actually an ongoing argument between myself and a few other directors concerning twitter. In a fun way.
Tweet. Tweet. It’s like a chirp that the Twitter bird makes. And yes, I’m involved in this “disagreement”. LOL
Oh, and it’s okay to follow me on my actual one: http://twitter.com/Christina_Ho
=P Just know that my TWEETS are solely my own crazy and does not represent PST in any way. lol -
See, this is why I like to call it a “Twit” instead for Twitter. This way when someone disagrees with me or does something silly and posts it, I get to reply “look, here’s a twit now!” XD. Best Futurama reference ever. Season 6. Apps called Twitcher ^_^
Thank you for advertising me! You’re advertisements are greatly appreciated. xD
Tch, like you needed advertising =P
Heres mine lol -
twitter is like facebook but its constant status change no walls no all that other stuff u just change ur status 24 7 like ppl do on fb but twitter is more convenient thats how i see it its constant status comment change other than that bored i tried it yea i dont do the constant status change and dont need followers
Here’s mine, But you all already know that.
Have a wonderful evening every one. 🙂 -
Good old Avatard. Love Gideon’s work. Cant wait to replace my PVR. I have reviews that need be done ^_^ Keep being awesome.
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Well I am at least some what lucky. Novus Prime held an event giving away 3 Alpha Mech costumes for Home. Seems I have obtained one by random lottery ^_^ Now, lets see how the lottery treats me XD
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Happy b-day with hot \”Coco\” to boot (Ha, puns. I\’m funny >_> shhh)!
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Very Miffed. PVR smells like a burn. I think its broken.
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Its snowing in New York??? Huh *GASPS* Its Christmas!!! ^_^
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
On behalf of the PSTalent.com team, we wish you all a Happy New Year!
Do continue to visit the community; network, make new friends, and have fun in this coming year.
Wishing you all the best
– Animus_Requiem -
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Happy New Year!!!
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
So I have decided to give tours to the not yet released Nebula Air Ship in PSH, due to the fact that it was gifted, and I am so happy and appreciative I want to be able to allow other members in PSH (PSTalent by proxy) to view the space before its released. My only request is you put “nebula ship tour” in the body or I may dismiss you as one of…[Read more]
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) commented on the post, 2012 Calendar, on the site PSTalent 13 years ago
You know you were supposed to send in your own pics to PST in order to be considered for the bikini calendar right? You had to use the PST uploader. You had to take a pic of your avatar. They dont take the pics until the time comes to do the shoot, or unless its
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
Calling a sick day. Diagnosed with bronchitis… Hate myself right now. Sick of this chronic lung infection. One day it will be the cause of my death; god help me. Well, until then, only one thing left to leave the PST community… Happy Holidays one and all!!!
hmph… you sick, me sick, hopefully no one else. If you get two sick people in a room together, do you think we can cancel each other’s sicknesses out? hehe
That’s all my humor today. Now I’m drained. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!-
That reminds me of the funny logic of “Can nuclear winter cancel out global warming?”
Feel better Cat. Dont get the kittens sick. Got my mom sick so… Horray XD I kid.
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) posted an update 13 years ago
FYI for those unaware, free items in the Costume Store, male gender side, Burn Zombie Burn. Enjoy.
Animus_Requiem / Brett Armstrong (Writing Director) commented on the post, 2012 Calendar, on the site PSTalent 13 years ago
Gratz to the winning participants. Cat, your kids are friggin cute, Lenny, enjoyed the hat humor. To all, enjoy the newest calender when its out.
Enjoy one and all ^_^
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