- "i just want to give a shout out to DOD, for the amazing job he did on our HOMEstyle MAGAZINE banner. Thanks DOD you rock!!!"View
- "Hey all, just want to say hello you guys and gals at the talent agency, and just want to say that if there are any places in the dude callender 2011, I would like to apply if possible! Thanks, Adam…."View
- "Ive been in Home for a while but still not sure how groups/clubs work?? I would really like to get involved with something…reviews,shows,something in this fine world of gaming that we are blessed with…let me […]"View
- "I’m about to get off of work, rush home and find out if i can get online and get on HOME!!! ima be so pissed if i cant…(sobes) damn i miss all of you."View