dirtysocks12345 posted an update 13 years, 8 months ago
What would you doooo for a Klodite Bar?
What would you? Reply Below.
dirtysocks12345 posted an update 13 years, 8 months ago
What would you doooo for a Klodite Bar?
What would you? Reply Below.
I would kidnap you for interrogation. You’d be locked up in one of those dark gloomy rusted old basements, tied to a chair while I do the most terrible things imaginable. “NOW TELL ME WHERE YOU HID THE KLONDITE BAR!” Lol. XD
*finished Klondike Bar*Oh sorry did you want some
(BTW you both spelled klondike wrong)
*Tears up and makes a sobby face as Mark eats the Klondike Bar* D: NNNNNNNNNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! *Cries and shakes his fist in the rain*
(Well I guess we’re not perfect…>.>’; Lol. Least I tried.) 😛
I just so happen to love Klondike Bars … Especially the Heath bar. What would I do for a Klondike Bar? Ummm… Clip my toenails and eat ’em. 🙂
EWWWW!!! …….Ok ok! Maybe I would do that too… >.>’; Though not as far as eating them. I would just nibble on the nails to little pieces and then throw em out. Lol. All for just one Klondike Bar. =D The lengths we go to, eh?
Ewww that’s just obscenely gross! >.<
I would cut my hair for a klondike bar…. <.< *cries* snip snip!
Id brush two sumo wrestlers chest hairs… >.< ugh… just thinking about it makes me nausious!