Joanna posted an update 12 years ago
Falladega Speedway – Hoverdisc & Roller Racing – Only in Sony’s PlayStation Home! Amazing what creative decorating skills can do to even The Mansion Garage. 🙂
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“These Are My Girls” – Joanna, Claire & Jill – featuring nDreams Sexy Dance Animations at Glittering Sands Personal Retreat. i’m sure they sold a ton of these bundles. 🙂
http://youtu.be/xefxbOkBftk View
how do you recored like that what are you using to record it followong u everywhere ?
I use a Hauppauge HD PVR and EyeTV Capture software on my Mac. At the moment I’m using iMovie for editing video and sound. 🙂 http://www.amazon.com/Hauppauge-1212-Definition-Personal-Recorder/dp/B0018LX0DY
k so after a long day trying to figure out what i needed you showed me exactely what i needed to see.:) thank you. i need this tech. obviously all the good videos seam to use this
great video and awesome idea. looks like a lot of fun. thank you for sharing this 🙂
You’re welcome! 🙂
Awesome Joanna that looks like fun I need skates now:)