Dazzy posted an update 12 years, 7 months ago
“Loot” have updated the “Studio Stage Set” apartments camera design. All controls are the same its just that now it says “PlayStation Home” in the bottom right corner (Like on the portable Loot camera) and the layout has changed to match the recent navigation update Home had.
…Almost forgot the best part!
You can now record with it without using an external device.
thats cool it says its free to ps3 users but i cant find it
Yes, I seen the on the message of the day too.
I think they were meaning its free to use if you own the apartment… So its not an extra thing you nedd to purchase.
Thats what I think anyway.
I wonder what this is all about. I’ll do some investigations and get back to you. 🙂
wait, they did what? They put the home logo on the bottom of the screen? How bothersome.
I did think of it on the down side at first sight of seeing the Home logo there but hey, its all better than nothing, right?
For some people perhaps. For me, no, its not better than nothing. I will now have to go out of my way to edit the logo out. Logos upsets me very much. The only time I like a logo in any of my vids is if I put it there.
Oh, I see…
You could still use the Ghost Busters and Living Room Stage Set apartment I guess, well… For a few more days, as they said they will be updating them to record aswell.