• Zal posted an update 13 years ago

    Good evening! It’s your good’ol pal Zal here, wishing everyone a happy second day of E3! ^^ Hope you’re all enjoying the many games and awesome free goodies they got to offer. I sure have. I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted on here and I wish I could have done so yesterday but you know how E3 is. Keeps us hypnotized. @_@ Lol.

    At any rate, I wanted to post here today, while I had some spare time, and express how much I miss all of you awesome PST members out there. ^^ I’m hoping to do another HUGE Waldo photo shoot now that I’ve brought back the game you all know and love. That’s right! You guys know who you are. The lovely curious members out there that have played my very first Waldo project and loved it. And through such popular demand for more, I’m hoping to deliver just that. =D With enough members volunteering for this project, I’ll be able to make so many more levels and better challenges than ever. If you guys would like to participate in this awesome fun fest crowd overload party, hit me up with a message on here, along with your PSN ID (if you want), and I’ll be sure to add you on the list of applicants. The bigger the crowd of PST members, the sooner we can have ourselves a crazy time! ^^ Till then, this is your good’ol pal Zal wishing you all an awesome E3 week! Woot!!!


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