• beans unlocked Walk of FameWalk of Fame 13 years ago

    • Hey Tina! Great to see you joined PST too! Welcome! 😀

    • Zal replied 13 years ago

      OMG!!!! It’s TINAAAAAAAAA!!!!! =D *glomps* So glad you joined PSTalent.com! ^^ Welcome welcome! This is such a delight! Everyone? For those of you that know me well, then you should also know this… The first person I ever met that is as passionate about fashion as I am was Beantot. Her and I have quite a history and her outfits and many fashion insights were truly inspiring for me as well. If there’s anyone in the world that I know would be perfect for the fashion department of PST, it would be this wonderful woman right here. Again, I’m so glad to have you with us, Tina! ^^ *huggles*


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