leuc posted an update 13 years, 1 month ago
I’m not recieving the reward for the argain Hunter Part 2 Quest ]: Can anyone help me? Please message
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If anyone can tell me where I can find a list of warnings for psn I’d really appreciate it. I think I got reported on Home today for something dumb ]: I’m not sure if I got reported, but I want to see the list of warnings just so I can be cautious. View
try exiting home, then get back on in the first floor of the mall. did you get all of the items?
i got all the items and I’ve tried exiting home, turning ps off then on again, restarting the quest, and even buying a few things. I dont receive the reward or the message. My boyfriend finished the quest at the same time I did and he got it but i didnt. The only thing I haven’t tried is deleting then re installing home.
I’d suggest waiting a little bit longer. I’m stuck on part 3 of the winter quest, so I think the quests are just buggy in general.