• mindfreak25 posted an update in the group Group logo of PS HOME IDEAS PS HOME IDEAS 13 years, 1 month ago

    Well its apparent alot of people on pshome have been wondering about the furniture limit? Why is it we only are able to have 50 items to decorate with especially with the size of some of the estates? Is this something that could be talked about and possibly increased or is it a loss cause?

    • ya like the mansions

    • Personally, i think it’s a lost cause. That’s been discussed forever. I think if they increase the limit, it would increase sales. I know HOME is filled with packrats and hoarders. 🙂

    • i know i do ive been on pshome going on 5 years i have gathered alot of things over the time. It would just be nice to see furniture increases for the larger estates and or club houses i mean you buy flooring and by the time you put your flooring down you have barely enough for couches chairs etc

      • one other thing i would like to bring up is about the mens clothes why is it that most of the guys shirts are belly shirts? i do believe they need to extend the length abit


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