DarkSpawn posted an update 13 years, 3 months ago
Gooood morning everyone! ^_^
Its me again! DarkSpawn!!
I wanted to see how everyone is doing? Because i’m not feeling so hot. D:
I had a pounding headache..I’ve had it since thursday!?
But, Enough about me people. Lets hear about you. How is everyone doing today!?!? ^_^
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Well pst, We had a great run. But, I believe it is about time i take my leave. Sorry everyone. This just isn’t my place anymore. Hope you all have a great time on Home and making videos with the team. They are great people. I bid you farewell Dod, Coco, n the rest. Maybe see you soon. View
Hiyeee Dark! If you want, I can knock you out. That should help your headache… 😀
You love hurting me dontt ya? XD
Oh noo… That’s some Coco love for ya! 🙂