Zal posted an update 14 years ago
Zalian’s Usual Random Question: I’m working on designing a new form of cat that can shoot freeze rays from it’s eyes and fire projectiles out of it’s butt. Should I have it’s mouth fire grenades or Chuck Norris’ fist? 😀
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Good evening! It’s your good’ol pal Zal here, wishing everyone a happy second day of E3! ^^ Hope you’re all enjoying the many games and awesome free goodies they got to offer. I sure have. I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted on here and I wish I could have done so yesterday but you know how E3 is. Keeps us hypnotized. @_@ Lol.
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LMAO WTF?? Chuck Noris fists most deff!!
Um no you make it sneek projectiles and have it fart chuck norrises fist and them fire from it mouth