thereallennie commented on the post, Congrats!, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
you def. get my congrats 🙂
thereallennie commented on the post, Phone Home, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
lol i just noticed ray is wearing a shirt of HIM
thereallennie commented on the post, Phone Home, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
niiiiiiiice love the scene XD and the ending u cant play until september XD XD
thereallennie commented on the post, PlayStation Blog Update, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
im crying (out of happines) when i c stuff like this and know that im in that same community but every time i say community i know i mean FAMILY!!!! love you all pstalent!!!
thereallennie commented on the post, GRASSO, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
thereallennie commented on the post, GRASSO, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
=( i would watch it if i could but i dont have NBC =(
thereallennie commented on the post, thereallennie1, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
=”) tnx sooooo much!!!
thereallennie commented on the post, Aliens vs. Androids II, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
hello everyone im the promotionals director from pstalent
i just made the youtube page for ps talent commercials trailers behind the scenes etc.
so if you want to check it out here is the link -
thereallennie commented on the post, Aliens vs. Androids II, on the site PSTalent 15 years ago
every time i check the site and c something cool like this im so happy that im a part of pstalent =)
thereallennie posted an update in the group
Voice Over Actors 15 years ago
so is there a sesion or something soon? =)
thereallennie and are now friends 15 years ago
call me LG wrote on BelieveInFate – Photo Director’s wire:
ray just letting u know ur utube is awsome ur vidz are awsome ur work is awwsome
oooo what the hell ill just say it u are awsome!!!!!!!!!! -
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
call me LG commented on the blog post thereallennie %s
omg i have my headshot!!!!!!!!!! tnx soooo soooooo sooo much!!!!
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
call me LG commented on the blog post Aliens vs. Androids II %s
thats aaaaawsome!!!!!
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
call me LG commented on the blog post The Weekly SHOUT! Vol. 8 %s
ok yh like 4 the interactions i think u should be able to: high five,hug,kiss but it think u should click the player then press hug,high 5 or kiss and the other player has to agree
that would be cool and yh i still want anything that can bring music into ps home!!! -
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
call me LG commented on the blog post Aliens vs. Androids II %s
haha lolz this is more of a funny thing then serious :p i think (hope) so i laughed
but good job!!! -
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
thereallennie commented on the blog post I’m Speechless! %s
haha yh! :p
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
thereallennie commented on the blog post The Weekly SHOUT! Vol. 6 %s
and i realy like the music the best!!! party’s will be waaay easier and lot more fun for the people who always need to hold down that r2 button!!!!!!
so yh if i could chose deffinitly working music!
the only down side is that there are no request songs but if theres music theres a… -
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
thereallennie commented on the blog post The Weekly SHOUT! Vol. 6 %s
hell yh i totaly agree u should or be able to put on something from youtube or a vid thats on your ps3 and for the song ability you guys are reading my mind!!!!!
thereallennie commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
thereallennie commented on the blog post I’m Speechless! %s
coincedence i think not XD
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Well . . . Where do i start?
I got invited for PStalent over 6 years ago.
I was just a 16 year old PS Home enthousiast with a love for filmmaking.
Astonished by seeing a community like this, I spent hours of my time working for this group of fellow talents!
Becoming friends with people from all over the country I felt so much joy in all the […] View