REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
WitchBlade are now friends 13 years ago
REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
sweetlight are now friends 13 years ago
href=”http://pstalent.com/community/members/redkillerclan3/”>REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and are now friends 13 years ago
REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
YowsahsItsMeesh are now friends 13 years ago
REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
Kid are now friends 13 years ago
DarkSpawn posted an update 13 years ago
WELCOME BACK DIRECTORS! Hope you had fun. I sure missed all of you. Im glad we are all one big happy video making family again! I just want to personally say…I FREAKIN MISSED YOU GUYS!! While you were gone by the way. I’ve tried to keep the people entertained. We even have some new members!!? O_o
Make sure you say hi!!!!! Well i g2g again…[Read more] -
DarkSpawn posted an update 13 years ago
Pstalent..I have horrible news…I wont be online for a few hours!!! Dont worry everybody. Its quite ok to cry because of my absence. I know i will be truly missed. Anyway, If anyone sees zal tell him i didnt get my order…He should know what you mean. But, I have to go great people of PST. See you all soon!! ^_^
REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
Lizardwrestler99 are now friends 13 years ago
DarkSpawn posted an update 13 years ago
The turn of pst history!!
The directors have finally met face to face! What kinds of pictures or videos will we see? The excitement of the members is mounting!! When the directors return, We will Welcome them back with open arms. We missed you guys!! ALL OF YOU!! Talk when you get back Coco, Cat, Animus, And DoD. Nice knowing your comin back to us! ^_^
*Jumps out of nowhere and slaps Dark behind the head* Darn it! I’m suppose to make the epic speeches! You trying to mascot me or something? Lol. Jk. XD Good post, dude! Yes. If only I could have had the honors and pleasure to meet up with PST’s finest. I’m jealous…………….*quietly walks away and sets more traps for DoD and the others* >=D…[Read more]
Mascot? I may give great speeches but..You give great teaches Master Z. Also..I ordered a half a pound of hampster jelly and didnt recieve my order. I thought that your multi dementional delivering service was the best? O_o
Oh…I almost forgot…*Helps set extremely insane (Safe) Traps to help capture the genius behind pstalent* ^_^-
What are you talking about? That Hamster Jelly has been in your fridge the entire time? You haven’t checked? Lol. Gotta get with the dimensional rift program, dude. And yeah right. XD If I was a teacher, at best, I’d probably be qualified in Advanced Randomness. *twitches* -.O NTCH!……. N-Nani? Honto ni desu ka?
Lmao. Why would you twitch for randomness when…*Does triple backflip and lands into giant bowl of hampster jelly and high fives zal on his way down, ends up missing bowl and splat on the asphalt*
DarkSpawn posted an update 13 years ago
What’s new with me? Whats new with all the people of PST. Post a comment and tell me how your doing! ^_^
DarkSpawn and
Vorlord are now friends 13 years ago
DarkSpawn posted an update 13 years ago
*Gives cake*
Much love,
-DarkSpawn -
REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
nicky are now friends 13 years ago
href=”http://pstalent.com/community/members/darkspawn666/”>DarkSpawn and are now friends 13 years ago
DarkSpawn and
birdy are now friends 13 years ago
DarkSpawn and
KingAurrelio are now friends 13 years ago
DarkSpawn and
Wylds are now friends 13 years ago
DarkSpawn and
♥*¨`*•.♥ Tunsy♥♥ are now friends 13 years ago
REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
SB… are now friends 14 years ago
href=”http://pstalent.com/community/members/redkillerclan3/”>REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and are now friends 14 years ago
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