About Me
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A little about me

Hello I am Amanda I have been on PS Home for going on 4 years. I have made a TON of good close friends and have had alot of fun. My ID is QueenAmanda1 I have met alot of great ppl and I have made some unforgettable friendships. I am excited about this new site I was introduced to and look forward to hearing from you

Favorite PS3 Game

Red Dead Redemption YEE HHAAWW BABY LOL I also like Flower lol go figure and L.A. Noire and of course every singe UNCHATED Oh Yea

Favorite PS3 Hangout Spot

Dragons Green Playstation Home I feel there was so much attention to detail put into that space, before the my favorite spot was the Uncharted2 Temple that is no longer there. All of my friends and I would meet up there