quasar338 posted an update in the group
PST Models 12 years, 9 months ago
Looky ,Looky it’s Tbaby ! Hi buddie , No I didnt bring any ( looks around and hides it ) I’m drinking water … Seriously I am. ok,ok inside joke on our part! (Glares at on lookers) Yeppers ! I’ve been voting TB . Good luck Miss Maxium Gurl! Sunshine , i think you better check the voting you might faint.
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Well.. my dear PSTALENT family. I’m going tobe off home for four to 6 weeks during my move . I go off july 17th in the evening then pack my trusty PS3 away for the travel.I willbe watching though from pc ( labtop) during trip . And cheking my E-mails. So be good folks I’ll be watching… hehehe!!! View
Hey Rob! How come when I always see you, it’s all gone hunh? lol Suuuuuure you’re drinking water LOL. And thankies for the votes! Muahz! ^__^