- "Heads up, PST! PlayStation MVPs and I are giving out codes for 50 orbs in (free-to-play) Destiny of Spirits today! I’ll be giving out 5 codes in 25 mins here: (Update with other […]"View
- "Hello everyone and Goodmorning just check on y’all and I missed y’all a lot I haven’t been on because I been busy but I’m trying my best to come back 🙂"View
- "sooo i wish here HAPPY BIRTHDAY PST ,wish u lot of good things in the futue ^_-"View
- "i just want to give a shout out to DOD, for the amazing job he did on our HOMEstyle MAGAZINE banner. Thanks DOD you rock!!!"View
- "I’m about to get off of work, rush home and find out if i can get online and get on HOME!!! ima be so pissed if i cant…(sobes) damn i miss all of you."View