Jennever unlocked
Walk of Fame 14 years ago
neverwin707 and are now friends 15 years ago
Jennever wrote on Andrew (Wardrobe Director)’s wire:
TY for the head shot sir, much appreciated!
neverwin707 and are now friends 15 years ago
Jennever and PAPAJERSEY are now friends %s
Jennever wrote on Andrew (Wardrobe Director)’s wire:
Ok tomorrow it is sir. I am free in the early afternoon. I am on Pacific time, so between 2-4pm is good for me. Let me know if this works for you as well.
Jennever posted a new status update:
It’s my Friday tonight, woo! Can’t wait to play these 2 games I just bought, RDR, and Resistance 2. I am way behind I know, but i have been so busy with life. I am dedicating one day off to doing nothing but playing games! =)
Jennever wrote on Andrew (Wardrobe Director)’s wire:
Hey no problem, take care of what you need k! I am free for a few hours right now, does that work for you? If not I get tomorrow off, so most the day then as well.
neverwin707 and are now friends 15 years ago
Jennever and F9R9A14/Assistant Director are now friends %s
neverwin707 and are now friends 15 years ago
Jennever and SmokeNMirrors are now friends %s
Jennever wrote on Andrew (Wardrobe Director)’s wire:
Sounds great, I am going on vacation till Thursday, anytime after that would be lovely!
Jennever wrote on Nic. The Casting Director and Talent Agent’s wire:
Hey, not sure what happened on PSHT, but will def add you, what’s your user name there?
neverwin707 and are now friends 15 years ago
Jennever and Nic. The Casting Director and Talent Agent are now friends %s
neverwin707 and are now friends 15 years ago
Jennever and The Director are now friends %s
neverwin707 and are now friends 15 years ago
Jennever and Andrew (Wardrobe Director) are now friends %s
Jennever posted a new status update:
So hard to go to bed before daylight, I suppose that is part of working graveyard. I feel like a vampire.
Jennever became a registered member 15 years ago
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