Mika posted an update 8 years ago
Its the Birth of Nebula realms today thx Sony for making this happen hope I see the worlds finest there as well:)
Mika posted an update 9 years ago
Months later I’m still emotional about home just looking at all the past shows and events got to me RGOH and PStalent forever miss you all come on Nebula LOL.
Mika posted an update 10 years ago
Happy weekend PSTALENT miss you all guys and girls keep gaming:)
Mika likes Lizardwrestler99‘s activity 10 years ago
Here is a video of my nieces high school graduation party at my older sisters place. Lots of people, food, beer. My brother filmed using my Vita. Congrats to my niece on her special day. Figured she get some “Rich Girl” treatment for a day. She got plans for college too
Mika likes ElissaxxSmoothy‘s activity 10 years ago
i found those clips from the rgoh fall 2014 show deep inside my laptop! -
Mika likes Tay‘s activity 10 years ago
Meeting Fetch
Mika likes The Director‘s activity 10 years ago
Levi Vincent – Live at the Coachella Valley Arts Center
The Coachella Valley Art Center Special Event – Be sure to save the date for next THURSDAY, MAY 14 at 6:30 pm for our WOW (Works of Wonder) monthly event – we\’re so excited to welcome Levi Vincent… More
Mika likes Trisha‘s activity 10 years ago
Okies, now you\’re all caught up with what\’s been goin on with me for the past couple of weeks. Have a blessed day & weekend RGOH sisters! Muahz! 😀
Mika likes Lizardwrestler99‘s activity 10 years ago
Happy Mothers Day 🙂
Mika likes ‘s activity 10 years ago
Mika likes Trisha‘s activity 10 years ago
Lala just has to ride her bike everyday, which means I take a walk everyday. 2 birds, 1 stone. She always wants to race lol
Mika likes Trisha‘s activity 10 years ago
Hey yall, if we get together and donate as a group, we can get a custom item for our avatars on Atom Universe (click on the facebook link below). Wouldn’t it be cool if we had custom RGOH shirts to walk around Atom Universe? How awesome would that be?! Cmon sisters, let’s do this! We only got 28 hours left until the kickstarter campaign end…[Read more]
Mika likes Lizardwrestler99‘s activity 10 years ago
Happy Wednesday. 🙂 I hope all is well. See some optimistic posts
Mika likes GOOD-TIMES-GIRL‘s activity 10 years ago
Mika likes GOOD-TIMES-GIRL‘s activity 10 years ago
Mika likes GOOD-TIMES-GIRL‘s activity 10 years ago
Mika likes GOOD-TIMES-GIRL‘s activity 10 years ago
Mika likes GOOD-TIMES-GIRL‘s activity 10 years ago
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I downloaded it after the PS4 software update, there’s a small server issue
LOL Nebula Realms was taken out of the store during the 1st week it was released because of all the server issues. :p Atom Universe is the future home of PST as we will be creating content for the game. 😀