I WANNA BE A STAR TOO! :Q—- *drools* Me like to put together lots of outfits and model with avatars of both genders! My favorite hobby! =D
Well…most of mine are usually fantasy types but even for normal clothings I still get around once in a while. ^^’; Btw, hi! =) Name’s Zalian. Zal for short. pleasure to make your acquaintance!
I WANNA BE A STAR TOO! :Q—- *drools* Me like to put together lots of outfits and model with avatars of both genders! My favorite hobby! =D
Well…most of mine are usually fantasy types but even for normal clothings I still get around once in a while. ^^’; Btw, hi! =) Name’s Zalian. Zal for short. pleasure to make your acquaintance!
hi im maxcine and like you i also have lots of outfits and ideas =D