Kozzzmo posted an update 11 years ago
Ok, just so you pplz know… I CAN read. It’s the comprehension part that I apparently have trouble with!! I thought Coco’s Bday party was tonight O.O. Sorry I missed it Coco 🙁 Please accept my sincere and heartfelt apologies. Happy (belated) Birthday!!
LOL you didnt miss it, the party is tomorrow 🙂 hope to see ya there.
Her B-day was the 30th but her B-day party is on the 1st and today is the 31st which makes her B-day party tomorrow cause it’s the 1st and not the 30th or the 31st. Hope that clears it up 🙂
Lets just make it even more confusing for him, Director, geez. Kozz, her birthday is tonight at 8pm EST/5pm PST meaning tonight on the 1st. Hope that clears up even more confusion. *shaking head at Director* Lol.
I think you meant her bday “party” is tonight 😛 I know what you meant, but poor Kozzie 😡
ugh yes, PARTY .. I meant to put that. see.. this is what happens when director talks circles around people LOL >.<
Hmmm how can I make this even more confusing for you Kozzie? LOL Naw her actual birthday was on Thursday, 1/30, but her bday party is tonight, 2/1 at 5pm PST/8pm EST. And you better be there or ima take away all your apples 😛
Yeah you didn’t miss it Kozzy! Can’t wait to see you and everyone else tonight! ^_^
Soooo, I didn’t miss the BDAY party?!? NIICE!!! See you all next Saturday @5 pm!!
I’M KIDDING! Tonight.