Commander KingJoker33 posted an update 14 years ago
Anyone know how to get started on an agency?
Trevor and
Commander KingJoker33 are now friends 14 years ago
REDKILLERCLAN4 (F9R9A14 Assistant) and
Commander KingJoker33 are now friends 14 years ago
Commander KingJoker33 posted an update 14 years ago
Wow I haven’t been on here in such a long time, I apologize for that. Was very busy in RL, and now my PS3 has the YLOD. When I get it fix I am really committed to helping out and being apart of PSTalent works, but I need to be part of an agency, any suggestions on how to get started? Thanks Farewell for now and Be Well *bows*
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, Halloween Contest 2010, on the site PSTalent 14 years ago
WOW I loved that Video Great Job, you can be sure that PSNR will probably do a review of it 🙂 Again Nice Work!
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, Halloween Contest 2010, on the site PSTalent 14 years ago
Greetings PSTALENT Users Nevermind I found out where to post this at. Good Luck everyone these outfits rock *bows*
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, Halloween Contest 2010, on the site PSTalent 14 years ago
I have a picture to submit where do I do this at?
Commander KingJoker33 posted an update 14 years ago
Would like to get involved more with PS Talent whether it’s doing photoshoots or being part of a video. Though every-time an opportunity has come up it has become in convenient for me 🙁
Is there a way I can join an agency that is not filled so that I may get involved more?
*bows* -
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, PST Music, on the site PSTalent 14 years ago
Ok hearing them all I would say I liked also Rom and IKE Productions, great job PSTalent with featuring them 🙂
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, PST Music, on the site PSTalent 14 years ago
Trifecta – Addiction
Greetings, *bows* I truly like this song 🙂 I didn’t hear any of the others yet but I am more of the Rock and Roll type Homeling 🙂
Looking forward to hear more about PlaystationRadio.
Chief KingJoker33 wrote on The Director’s wire:
Greetings Director *bows* I didn’t know if the PSTalent group was planning on doing the Aliens vs Androids 2 Machnima Video Contest at all. If so, or not, would you please let me know as I had an interest in this and thought if the PSTalent group was doing this that I could send in
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
Chief KingJoker33 commented on the blog post Selena502a %s
Greetings Selena, *bows* Have a great Birthday and Happy Birthday Be Well *bows*
Chief KingJoker33 wrote on jeremiah R.jackson’s wire:
haha I didn’t know that you were dallas wow so I kept getting messages and didn’t know who it was sorry for that. Yes we did talk on that but you were not in homeling form while being a representative of the group on PST you were representing yourself that’s why I said that. And
Chief KingJoker33 wrote on General Nos’s wire:
Ah thank you Sir Nos, Yes we are all representatives I didn’t know that others were on here so I should have checked first before making the question thank you and I will represent us proudly
Farewell for now and Be Well *bows and salutes*
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
Chief KingJoker33 commented on the blog post I’m Speechless! %s
Agreeable this person is very nice and seems to be excited very glad of this.
Chief KingJoker33 wrote on General Nos’s wire:
Greetings General *bows and salutes* I was under the impression that I was the only homeling on PST. I also thought I would be the representative for the homelings but if this job has been taken I will resign from this site. I’ll be on Home one day this week, Farewell for now and Be
Chief KingJoker33 wrote on jeremiah R.jackson’s wire:
Agreed he did send me my pictures.
Commander KingJoker33 commented on the post, , on the site 15 years ago
Chief KingJoker33 commented on the blog post The Weekly SHOUT! Vol. 1 %s
Greetings *bows* I will be answering only Question Number 1. I can remember the first time I got on home, it was actually the launch day so 3/4 of us were all very confused and new to the whole experience. The Humans were nice for the most part as people were all trying to make
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