- "A tour of the “Gryffindor” clubhouse on PS home if you want to join the “Gryffindor” club on home then contact my PSN ID: The_greatBatman you will need to own Gryffindor robes in order to join the club."View
- "Hi!! How’s tha awesome PST community doing? I can’t believe how far y’all keep pushing the PSHome entertainment!! WOot! xD So much GAMING!!!"View
- "great job, DOD. a master piece as always… and of course all of the pstalent members. great story."View
- "psn is back up you can log in to your account but PlayStation home is still down and you can also play online games"View
- "Id like to see some politics shows on Ps home Share your views"View
- "Hello everyone and Goodmorning just check on y’all and I missed y’all a lot I haven’t been on because I been busy but I’m trying my best to come back 🙂"View