DarkSpawn posted an update 13 years ago
A slow morning…It always makes me happy to get on this site! ^_^
I actually met my closest friends on here. You should know who you guys and girls are! O_o
Well, Good morning to one and all! Welcome back another day of fun and excitement of pstalent! ^_^Remember dont forget to message me to get some help or just chat. 😀
I’m here to help the people while psn struggles with guides..:PYour fellow member, DarkSpawn
PSN: XX_DarkSpawn_XX
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Well pst, We had a great run. But, I believe it is about time i take my leave. Sorry everyone. This just isn’t my place anymore. Hope you all have a great time on Home and making videos with the team. They are great people. I bid you farewell Dod, Coco, n the rest. Maybe see you soon. View
LOL! I second that!
First two waves!? Pssh. They’re nothing compared to ma skills!!!! ^_^