KingAurrelio joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
Josh posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
Wow… I got this PSN code from a card and it was genuine! Got it at http://freepsnforever.com – See more at: http://freepsnforever.com/#sthash.HQGq2MnH.dpuf
AlanB-70 (Associate Director) replied to the forum topic
General Discussion in the group PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
Yes you can! There’s a poor boy in all of us! Wait, that was a weird phrasing.
Josh posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
Hey guys! Was just wondering what the word is on some newer cheap/free stuff. lol I guess inDreams just released The Complex 2 that you can get but just playing around in Aurora. I’m looking into it now. 😛
Josh joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
Amber replied to the forum topic
General Discussion in the group PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
Can I join eventhough I’m not a boy?, I’m a freebie hunter I love hunting free items, maybe I can help!!!
Amber joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
Amber replied to the forum topic
General Discussion in the group PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 11 years ago
an I join eventhough I’m not a boy?, I’m a freebie hunter I love hunting free items, maybe I can help!!!
Mark posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
ok so let me say this paying the money to get one of the items from Exclusive to get you into the X7 club gets you a bunch or furniture and a sweet suit if you have the garage from the free items then it only costs 9.99 that is a bit steep but i am finding it worth it
Adam_Bell joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
AlanB-70 (Associate Director) posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
The other day, I got a free 1-Month PS Plus Pass at a Playstation on Campus event, so now I can access x7 for free. Yay loopholes!
Mark joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
AlanB-70 (Associate Director) posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
I was looking at the Assassin’s Creed Hoodie in the Threads store today. I noticed that the hood is 59 cents, while the sweater portion was 79 cents. So if I were to buy them both individually, they would cost $1.38 total. I then looked at the bundle that included both parts of the hoodie, and to my surprise, the price was $1.49, making the bundle…[Read more]
c4spinn (Associate Director) joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
EleventyThreve (Associate Director) joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
URZU joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 12 years ago
AlanB-70 (Associate Director) posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 13 years ago
AlanB-70 (Associate Director) posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 13 years ago
Fun Facts about PBOH:
1) Out of the 110 groups (or 75 groups, the group counter is a little inconsistent,) on PST, PBOH is tied for 28th in number of members. Not too shabby.
2) PBOH is an equal-opportunity group, so even if you\’re not a poor boy, you can still be a Poor Boy. -
AlanB-70 (Associate Director) posted an update in the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 13 years ago
The unofficial anthem of Poor Boys of HOME.
Dazzy joined the group
PBOH (Poor Boys of HOME) 13 years ago
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Where is my photo gallery? My main purpose for being a member of PST is to showcase PS Home photos of friends and members. It was nice of PST to give us this option. I need the gallery to show my work and to direct new leads. View