Coco/Nic (Casting Director) posted an update 12 years ago
Thank you so much guys for the FUN PARTY last night! Special thanks to all who came! A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to @tbaby2008 and @quasar338 for the wonderful and well put together party last night. I had a BLAST!
it was an awesome party for an awesome person! Happy Birthday!
*likes comment* Why thank you sir! You should wear that head and your butthuggers at every party! 🙂 lol
*likes comment too*
OMG that costume with his butthuggers was epic! I got a pic of that I need to post too! 😀
Ty so much for coming 11ty! It was great seeing you and wait til you see pics of you in your butthuggers 😛
YAYS!!! You’re always welcome! And just like Eleventy said, it couldn’t have been for a more awesome person! I’m glad you and everyone had a lot of fun! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! 😀
^.^ i’m glad you all had a good time and who doesnt love a good butt huggers outfit lol. looking forward to seein the pics lol.